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Join Safewow Facebook Auction with WOW Products Starting Price $0.1


A new auction APP is now added to Safewow facebook for all WOW products bidding including WOW gold US or EU, WOW Mounts, WOW pets, WOW items, WOW powerleveling and so on. The key point is that all WOW products on auction will start with $0.1. Amazing? Just take part in.


Buy Cheap WOW Products With Fast Delivery In $0.1 Starting Price


Safewow aims to offer customers with cheapest WOW products as well as fast delivery. So you can see that different to other auctions online, Safewow facebook WOW products auction is begin with only $0.1 starting prices. What’s more , no matter you need WOW gold, WOW Mounts, WOW pets, WOW items, WOW powerleveling or any other WOW products, you can find them with the only $0.1 starting price.


Steps to Take Part in Safewow Facebook Auction


Step 1: Like Safewow Facebook

Only when you are a Safewow facebook fan, you get the chance to take part in the bidding and buy WOW Gold or products with %0.1 possibly.

Step 2: Place Your Bidding

Click Apps in the left bar of Safewow facebook and click on “Gold Bidding” and take part in the auction. Choose the products you need and place your bidding.

Step 3: Wait the Winning Result

The rule is that when the deadline of the bidding comes, the one who has the highest bidding will win our products. After checking the wining result, the winner can pay WOW products with Paypal no confirmation needed to get your products fastest delivered.

Step 4: Contact 24/7 Live Chat

If you have anything wrong within your WOW products delivery, please feel free to contact our 24/7 live help which always online to offer you best service.


Mark the time:


The WOW gold auction starts in our Safewow facebook now.


Everybody, take actions and win WOW gold and other WOW products with starting $0.1 now. by the way, the event that invite your friends like Safewow facebook to win free WOW gold is underway. Invite and get free gold now.

Safewow Facebook Auction Link: 

The Safewow Team

Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.
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